Age of Evolution# - C.504: 505: Three Heaven Steles

Age of Evolution#

C.504: 505: Three Heaven Steles

The suspended island’s protective meteorite belt was gradually slowing down.

This chapt𝒆r is updated by frёewebηovel.cѳm.

As the speed of the meteorite belt slowed down, the energy storm that raged within also began to weaken. Finally, it was time for the much-anticipated once-in-a-century unraveling of the island.

Outside of the Suspended Island, there were already people early to the scene.

As soon as the meteorite belt slowed down, people started to pass through it using meteorite channels.

Whizz, whizz, whizz ~~~!!!

Individual figures appeared like lightning, entering the meteorite belt and navigating through the energy storm.

However, this move was also risky. It would have been entirely safe to wait for another day, but everyone wanted to seize the opportunity. Once someone took the lead and rushed through, the others couldn’t help but follow. This was the moment to test the strength of the Martial Artists.


A Black Hole Period expert from the Rakshasa Empire in the West was the first to be swept away by the energy storm!

The energy storm was a combination of various elements – sharp metal-like air, scorching flames, shining thunderbolts, and brutal gales. Not even a World King could survive if struck directly by it, let alone a Black Hole Period expert.

Caught in the energy storm, with only half a scream to mark his existence, he perished.

After his fall, casualties piled up on every side.

This round of meteorite belts was like a force of nature, eliminating many unqualified Martial Artists.

It was a bit of a stretch for Black Hole Period experts to come here.

But there were always some people who took a chance on fortune, ultimately causing most of the Black Hole Period experts to die in the meteorite belt.

In the first wave to start, only Star System powerhouses managed to pass through the meteorite belt smoothly.

Inside the suspended island, human shadows appeared simultaneously from the east, south, north, and west, almost all passing through the meteorite belt at the same time.

In the North, a Rakshasa Empire warrior wearing dark armor and having a stern face was the first to pass. His name was Jin Naluo, a Star System Level 7 expert.

In the South, a giant mountain-like man from the Landis Empire barged through. His name was Lanka, a Star System Level 6 expert.

In the West, an Insect Clan warrior wearing insect armor appeared with a green battle suit covering half his face. His pair of brown eyes was chilling, and he wielded a huge war blade connected to his body. He was the Mantis Commander, a Star System Level 7 expert.

In the East, the popular figure representing the Fire Kirin Empire appeared, a perfect combination of beauty, strength, heroism, and chivalry. His name was Ye Hua, a Star System Level 6 expert.

These four were considered the first team, arriving in no particular order.

Once inside the Suspended Island, everyone was shocked by the enormous Heaven Steles.

Underneath the rolling dark clouds in the sky, the gigantic Heaven Steles reached towards the heavens. Three stone tablets were arranged in the shape of a triangle, radiating a faint imposing aura.

Looking from a distance, there seemed to be some blurry inscriptions on them, but they couldn’t clearly be seen.

Whizz, whizz~~!!

More martial artists from all directions entered the Suspended Island.

Seeing that people were pouring in behind them, Ye Hua and the others immediately started running towards the Heaven Steles to get closer.

From the Fire Kirin side, those who saw Ye Hua running ahead became anxious. One decided to rise into the sky and use their Star Power to fly instead.

Zzzz, zzzz, zzzz, zzzz~~!!

A mass of golden thunder brewed in the sky, then a golden dragon-like lightning bolt emerged!


A bolt from the blue struck down the Star System Level 3 expert, who didn’t even have a chance to defend themself, turning them into a black charred mess!

Lightning struck from the other directions as well, punishing the martial artists who rashly flew ahead.

“Everyone, be careful! This is a holy land left by the ancient gods, and no one is allowed to offend it. As long as we walk on the ground step by step, there’s no need to rush,” warned Ye Hua.

Ye Hua, who was originally running ahead, stopped immediately upon seeing others who followed his lead get punished by the heavens, patiently waiting for his companions to catch up.

The Star System stage Martial Artists of the Fire Kirin Empire were somewhat ashamed. Looking at Ye Hua’s jade-like face, they thought: “He truly is an extraordinary man in this world, an exceptional figure among men, both powerful and kind-hearted.”

“Young Master Ye Hua, you shouldn’t worry about us. It’s a competition we should seize at this time. Don’t lose to the warriors from the other countries,” one of them said.

“Yeah, you go ahead. Our empire is counting on you,” encouraged another.

“That’s right; you don’t have to walk with us,” asserted a third.

Ye Hua smiled gently and said, “Since all of you insist, I will not be artificial about it. I’ll go ahead.”

With a flick of his robe, Ye Hua quickened his pace towards the center of the Suspended Island.

Although the Heaven Steles could be seen from here, they were actually hundreds of kilometers away. Since no flying or teleporting was allowed, it was best to hurry by foot.

As Ye Hua walked away, the rest followed closely behind, speeding up as well. However, none of them had any intentions of overtaking the perfect Ye Hua.

Even if someone had such an idea, it was not a good time to reveal it, especially after Ye Hua’s performance had just won people’s hearts.

Only Ye Hua’s biggest rival, Nan Lie, looked resentful and muttered secretly, “He’s just a pretentious pretty boy. I want to see if you can still maintain that smug expression once you fail to achieve the best results.”

There were people from all directions, and three Heaven Stele. If you wanted to choose to comprehend, you must first figure out which one to learn from.

In front of each stele, there was a row of pillars arranged from low to high.

To study the stele, you must first climb onto the lowest pillar. You could only move on to the next, slightly higher pillar once you had completely understood the content here, which would get you closer to the stele.

There were ten rows of pillars in total, and the last row had only one pillar. Only one person could reach the highest point and observe all the inscriptions on the stele completely.

So when the people in front arrived, they did not immediately climb the pillars but walked slowly around the three Heaven Stele to figure out their content.

Ye Hua stood in front of a monument and carefully observed it.

This stele had only one word on it, which was “Boundary.”

The Boundary Tablet recorded the power of space law, which allowed one to master spatial power, travel freely through space, and learn many spatial combat techniques.

Ye Hua’s heart stirred. Spatial power was an extremely profound system, and mastering it was not an easy task.

However, he did not make a choice right away. Instead, he walked around the stele and came to the second one.

The second stele had the word “Static” on it.

The Static Tablet contained the power of time law. Those who comprehend it can master the laws of time, and if they can get to the top, they may even master the power of time stoppage.

This second tablet was even more challenging than the first. If one could truly master the power of time stoppage, the help during a fight would undoubtedly be enormous.

Imagine having all the skills ever, but your opponent uses time stoppage on you; you couldn’t unleash any of your abilities and would have no choice but to be slaughtered.

Even if it was just a one-second or 0.1-second stoppage, it would be fatal.

The third tablet had the word “Illusion” on it.

This tablet was even more extraordinary. It was about spiritual power, and those who wanted to comprehend it needed to break through layers of mental illusions on each pillar. If talented enough, one could break the existing mental barriers and reach a higher level of spiritual power.

This tablet was of utmost significance, especially for Spiritual Mind Masters. Stronger spiritual power directly translated to better combat skills.

Advanced Spiritual Mind Masters, when facing an enemy, might not even need to make a move; a single Mental Shock could cause the opponent to fall dead, rendering all their techniques useless.

Progressing in spiritual power was also extremely challenging, particularly during the Star System Stage. Everyone seemed to have sky blue spiritual power; whoever could go further would be the true king among kings.

These three tablets were indeed a difficult choice for the Martial Artists.

Spatial power, power of time, and spiritual power – each choice was extremely tempting and difficult to decide.

As people viewed the stele, their minds automatically received some information.

The Suspended Island had existed for countless years. For each of the three stele, there was a pillar for reaching the top; over these years, there had been no more than a hundred people who successfully reached the summit!

Among them, 32 people reached the top of the Space Monument.

17 people reached the top of the Time Monument.

And 30 people reached the top of the Spiritual Power Monument.

The total number was only 79!

Seventy-nine people might seem like a lot, but don’t forget how long this place has existed.

The stele was said to have stood here for billions of years, opening every hundred years. How many experts had visited this place over those years?

The success rate might not even amount to one in a billion.

An important point about reaching the top of the stele was that the higher you climbed, the more you could comprehend. There were a total of ten rows of pillars. The first row allowed you to understand only 1% while the second row offered 3%, the third row 5%, the fourth row 15%, and the fifth row 20%.

The sixth row offered 25%, the seventh row 30%, the eighth row 40%, and the ninth row 50%.

Only by reaching the final position of each tablet could you comprehend 100% of its content.

It’s not that the ninth row can be compared to half of the tenth row’s understanding. The most profound and essential parts were in the last 50%.

Even if you climbed to the ninth row of pillars, what you had learned was merely skin-deep.

Moreover, the number of pillars decreased with each row. There were only two pillars in the ninth row, and there was only one spot on the tenth-row pillar for each tablet, allowing only one person to reach the top!

Another point was time. The Suspended Island only opened for one year. After that, the elemental storms would reappear, engulfing the entire island, making it uninhabitable. You had to complete your comprehension and leave within a year.

If you hadn’t left within a year, you would never have to leave again.

With limited time, it was impossible to comprehend each stele, so these Martial Artists faced a difficult choice.

