Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.212 - 210: Metropolis News Issue 2!

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.212 - 210: Metropolis News Issue 2!

Chapter 212: Chapter 210: Metropolis News Issue 2!

Translator: 549690339

Of course, today isn’t just a day of celebration for casual gamers.

Near quitting time, after Lincoln’s review, Cloud Dream released another video post –

‘”Assassin’s Weekly” second edition! Breaking the big news!’

As if to prove that the gaming passion of serious gamers is no less than that of casual gamers, the video heated up rapidly as soon as it was posted.

After the first issue’s warm-up, the heat from the second issue’s video exploded even faster and more fiercely.

Not only did Spiritual Rhinoceros feverishly add extra capacity to handle the soaring heat of the post.

On Pilipili Video Station, the number of viewers also swiftly climbed to over 450,000+ at the same time, ranking it in the top five in video viewing numbers record!

Under the expectant gazes of countless players, the content of the video slowly unfolded.

The first thing to appear on the screen, was not the familiar studio, but the home of the male host, Johnny.

You could see him neatly dressed, carrying a briefcase into the storage room stacked with countless unopened courier boxes outside.

Inside were even more opened express boxes and a variety of baseball bats taken out from the boxes.

Inflatable, plastic, wood, metal, even glass! All kinds of materials, you name it!

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, everything was there.

Most of them were the standard 106.7 cm in length, but there were also some that were as short as children’s toys.

The male host picked up a wooden bat about the length of a forearm, swung it around to test the feel, then nodded satisfactorily, stashed it in his briefcase, and left for work.

This opening sequence set the comments section ablaze:

‘Good lord! You guys really sent him bats?”

“Are you daft!? Who knows his home address?! Obviously, it’s a production gimmick. ”

“So what’s the meaning of this? Live brawl in the studio?” ‘”News Studio Female Host vs Male Host IVI Battle Royale!”‘

‘.avi!’ fre ewebno

“Gentlemen, I’m so excited!”

“No lewdness allowed!”

The scene on the screen changes and we’re now in the studio.

Unexpectedly, the first shot is from behind the host desk, clearly showing the male host’s briefcase at his feet.

The next moment, the camera is back to the front, with both hosts sitting seriously ready to present the news.

“Hello, everyone! Welcome to Metropolis News,” the female host, Jenny, declared with utmost seriousness.

“Welcome, welcome.” Male host Johnny responded with composure. “As always, we’ll bring you this week’s news.”

“So what big news have we got in Metropolis this new week?”

The female host conveyed excitedly, ‘”Assassins’ Alliance’ has broken the record of 15 million coDies sold last week. t0DDed the world came sales records.

and continued to show slight growth over the past five workdays.”

“I have an inside scoop.” The male host, having barely settled down, suddenly switched back to his playful tone. “Tomorrow the sales figures will spike, likely raising the record to a new level!”

Jenny frowned, “This is a serious news show, not a fortune-telling booth or some phony astrological entertainment program! We only report on facts, we don’t make predictions!”

The male host immediately countered with a serious tone, “Don’t talk nonsense, astrology is scientifically grounded!”

As he spoke, his left hand lowered, seemingly reaching towards the briefcase at his feet.

The female host just took a deep breath, held it in, and proceeded with the next piece of news.

“In the last seven days, bank robberies in the Metropolis have gone down by eighteen percentage points, a substantial reduction. The Metropolitan Police Department has expressed its dissatisfaction publicly about the drop in KPI due to the decline in bank robberies.”

The screen switches to a police chief yelling into the microphone passed by the reporter: ‘You spineless bastards! Can’t even handle just a week’s time?! Last a bit longer, for God’s sake! Get moving! How else are you gonna get rich! How else are you gonna make something of yourselves!”

He’s foaming at the mouth as he unleashes a torrent of bleeped -out expletives.

With a click, the screen switches back to the studio.

The female host, Jenny, looks a bit embarrassed.

But the male host is all smiles: “Did you see that, robbers? That’s an invitation, a challenge! Come on, friends, get moving! Prove yourself a real man! Metropolis is full of opportunities just waiting for you! All you need to do is defeat Metrop- ”

Just as the male host was trying to rally the criminals, the female host lunges at him, clamping her hand over his mouth.

After shooting him an angry glare, and seeing the male host calming down, she gets up and returns to her seat: “The opinions of the police do not reflect the opinions of all Metropolis residents! Peace in Metropolis requires the joint efforts of everyone.”

The male host nods along: “Yes, the prosperity of Metropolis requires the joint efforts of everyone.”

With that, he winks at the audience and mouths the words: Prosperity!

“The number of blacksmiths in Metropolis has seen a sharp decline, with overall data dropping to 20% of last week’s figures. But at the same time, a variety of previously unseen iron tools, including palladium, spades, swords, etc., have appeared, totaling more than ten types of never-before-seen metal weapons. ”

As the female host reports, the news automatically cuts to different scenes.

The blacksmiths on the screen are obviously much more experienced, with an array of unusual weapons; uniquely crafted metal pots; crowbars of Damascus steel; and rustic iron teapots

One by one, the ironworks they produce leave no doubt of their identity as blacksmiths.

At the end of the clip, a player whose face is pixelated completely immerses his creation in a tank of water using a pair of tongs, completing the quenching amidst billowing steam. freew ebnov el

The tongs are pulled back, and out of the water tank comes a
 bronze penis statue!

“Holy shit!”

“What the hell is that!”

“Is this really allowed?!”

Though the scene is fleeting, the viewers express their strong surprise through the barrage of comments!

Johnny looks shocked too as he turns to Jenny and asks: “What did that last guy make

The female host ignores him entirely, “Next is data from the Metropolitan Fishing Association. This past week has seen a huge increase in the number of fishing enthusiasts in Metropolis, but the Metropolitan Fishing Association strongly warns: avoid fishing in dangerous locations and refrain from using dangerous methods and tools to catch fish.”

The screen switches again.

The beginning is relatively normal with groups of players teaming up to fish peacefully by the riverside or lakeside.

But things soon take a turn for the worse: people start lifting manhole covers on main roads to try their luck at fishing in the sewerage system.

Some directly shoot guns into the water at fish, and even throw explosives in!

With a massive “boom” sound, the explosion sends a huge spurt of water skywards, and soon dead fishes are seen floating on the water surface. “The Metropolitan Fishing Association condemns all illegal fishing activities, especially explosive fishing!”

The male host pouts sympathetically, “Exactly! You guys don’t even eat them! With such powerful explosives at hand, why not blow up the Metropolis Bank instead?”

The female host glares at the male host like she wants to kill him.

The male host recoils in fear before realizing: “Oh, right, right! Of course! These explosives aren’t nearly enough to blow up the Metropolis Bank! I suggest you collect more explosives, or aim for the smaller banks!”

Feeling proud of himself, he turns to the female host: “Isn’t that right?”

Fed up, the female host storms up from her chair, ready to whack him with a script again.

But the male host is quick on his feet. Reaching into his briefcase, he extracts a wooden club as long as his forearm! It’s a much more formidable weapon than a rolled-up script!

With a hearty laugh, he points the club at the female host looking smug.

“Come at me!”

Seeing this, the female host stops rolling her script, eyes the male host, then steps back and grips her chair tightly, veins popping on her hand. Just as a fight was about to break out, the director urgently yells: “Cut to a break! Now!”

This chapter is updat𝓼d by fre(e)webnov(l).com

