Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.383 : Underage Audience Wanting to Cry but Having No Tears

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.383 : Underage Audience Wanting to Cry but Having No Tears

383 Chapter 371: Underage Audience Wanting to Cry but Having No Tears

Should we include the campaigns Daxia participated in?

Lincoln reviewed the war history of this world, and thought about the attention and emotions of the soldiers from the high-level to the civil society, and immediately decided—

Let's not do that.

After all, the core gameplay of this game, is not the experiential narrative game, but the strong competitive game, it is definitely for players to stand on both sides and fight.

Then it will be inevitable that the fighting sides will be shooting each other with guns, everyone will die and resurrect together, then die and resurrect again 

If we were to add Daxia into the mix, this kind of scene of soldiers dying frequently and various tragic deaths would spread on the Internet, and it's hard to say how much controversy it would stir up.

Let's not mention anything else, Cloud Dream's good reputation on the Internet would definitely be severely damaged, especially in terms of the passer-by's favor, it would probably be completely ruined.

So, let's just drop it.

Anyway, there are so many countries and so many battles in this world, there are too many choices to make!

Moreover, looking at the world, there are many countries that do not care about history, and their citizens only regard soldiers as a job.

So outside of the game, it's not a big problem!

What's left is to find a way to make the game fun to play.

After a series of explanations, everyone present was relieved.

"Don't worry for now, I'm just informing you of what we're going to do later, no need to rush."

Lincoln emphasized again: "You can focus on holding competitions and taking vacations, and the development team and plans for the new game will not be discussed until a week later."

Randall and Fred nodded to indicate their understanding.

It was only then that Lincoln turned his attention back to Samuel: "I accidentally mentioned the first completion battle, we don't have to deal with it; is there anything else?"

Samuel nodded and continued his report: "Another problem is that underage audiences on the internet are generally dissatisfied with live streaming platforms."

"Audiences are dissatisfied with the live streaming platform? Then go find a live streaming platform, what does it have to do with us?" Lincoln was a bit puzzled.

"It's because of the dynamic grading issue." Samuel explained to Lincoln.

Live streaming platforms in Daxia have a set of grading review systems specifically designed for them.

If users do not register with their real names, they can only watch all-age live streaming content.

For those game content with grading restrictions, the platform has set up age restrictions in advance.

Audiences can only enter to watch after real-name authentication; otherwise, they cannot enter the live broadcast room at all.

Originally, this system worked well and there were no major problems; at most, there were children secretly using their parents' mobile phones to watch live broadcasts, bypassing the real-name restrictions.

However, those were exceptions and minor issues.

But with the dynamic grading system of "Speed Chase" being introduced, both Cloud Dream and players were happy, but live streaming platforms were directly confused.

Especially, this system was urgently launched just before the game was released!

Live streaming platforms were caught off guard without any psychological preparation!

What to do?

Do not let the streamers broadcast, and solve the technical problems first?

By then, the yellow flower dish would be cold!

In the end, all live streaming platforms chose the same approach—

Directly raised the original "17+" section prepared for "Speed Chase" to "18+", adult restricted!

Increase the restriction to the highest level, allowing only adults to watch, and not allowing minors to watch, wouldn't that solve the problem?

As for the unlucky underage audiences who couldn't even watch the game

The live streaming platform apologized sincerely, saying: "We are working on it, we are working on it


"The large and small live streaming platforms have sent us emails, hoping to provide technical support."

Lincoln frowned: "What kind of technical support do they want?"

"Provide them with the game screen display effect under different grading during the live streaming of the streamers, so that they can push the suitable screen for different age audiences more targetedly."

After hearing this request, Lincoln was astonished: "Are they sick?"

But he thought about it and felt that as an entrepreneur, he should listen to the conditions: "What are their conditions? What kind of price do they plan to offer?"

Samuel frowned, "It's basically between 1 million and 5 million."

"Per month?"

Samuel shook his head.

"Per year?" Lincoln was surprised.

"One-time payment."

"???" This time, Lincoln was really completely confused: "Are they for real?"

"...Probably not." Samuel replied helplessly.

"According to the relevant regulations of Daxia, underage audiences are not allowed to reward live streaming platforms. The live streaming platforms are probably not willing to invest too much because they cannot bring direct benefits."

"Oh." With that, Lincoln understood. "So what's your idea?"

Samuel looked at Lincoln and said very seriously: "My idea is that Cloud Dream can establish its own live streaming platform."

"Our Cloud Dream Gaming Platform, with the continuous increase in sales of Mirage Consoles, the player base is also expanding, providing a solid user base to establish a live streaming platform."

"Moreover, our software system is designed to provide support for live streaming, and players currently rely on this feature for their live streaming. So, creating a live streaming platform poses no difficulty for us. We can even develop an 'immersive' live streaming mode based on virtual reality technology."

"Lastly, all the features required for live streaming can be accomplished directly using the Mirage Console without the need for additional equipment, making it very user-friendly for streamers."


With a solid user base, technical capabilities, and advantages to attract both audience and streamers...

Samuel presents the advantages of Cloud Dream establishing a live streaming platform methodically, demonstrating that he has seriously considered the idea and offering a persuasive argument.

Employees at the meeting, including Lincoln, couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Initially reluctant to venture into the live streaming industry, Lincoln becomes more inclined after hearing Samuel's opinions, considering that "starting a live streaming platform is not a bad idea."

"It's a good idea. This way, under the dynamic grading system, underage players can also watch live streams normally," Fred is the first to speak up.

"I also agree. With our own Cloud Dream live streaming platform, it will be much more convenient for us to hold game competitions," Randall nods in agreement.

When Randall agrees, Little Chun refrains from voicing additional opinions.

— Unless Lincoln specifically requests, in discussions like these that require votes, both Randall and Little Chun will only speak once, treating their two opinions as one.

"I agree! Immersive live streaming sounds amazing!" Cheryl is extremely excited. "I can have someone specifically as a 'live streaming operator' for our pet employees! This will significantly bridge the gap between the audience and the pets."

"We can also have a live office tour of Cloud Dream! Wow, there are so many possibilities!" 𝐟𝗿ee𝘄đ—Č𝗯𝐧o𝘃el.𝐜o𝚖

Jerome also expresses agreement.

However, he considers purely from a business perspective: "With the development of the console and games, the live streaming platform can grow naturally. The investment is minimal, and the returns are exceptionally substantial, undoubtedly worth pursuing."


"OK!" After hearing everyone's unanimous agreement, Lincoln makes the final decision: "Let's create a Cloud Dream Live Streaming Platform!"

"Sister Qiao, you may need to put in some work to recruit experienced professionals, preferably with live streaming startup experience. I will handle the technical issues, which are relatively simple and should be completed in a few days."

As soon as he says this, everyone at the table looks sideways.

"Understood. Once the meeting is over, I'll update the recruitment information," Quentina nods.

However, she soon adds, "But boss, if we post our recruitment publicly, a few existing live streaming platforms may immediately understand what we're planning to do. This may cause us some obstacles since the top streamers are already contracted with them."

"So, should we try to search privately first and move to public recruitment if we don't find anyone suitable?"

Lincoln's initial response is to say, "Let anyone seeking trouble bring it on." -

However, he quickly realizes that he personally doesn't care about any problems, but acting this way may cause difficulties for future employees, hindering their work.

It's best not to create trouble for future employees.

Thus, he changes his tune and says, "That's fine, Sister Qiao, you're experienced, I'll leave this to you."

Quentina nods happily, "No problem."

Lincoln glances to the side at the tablet on his desk and the last item on the to-do list turns red and enlarges to remind him of its importance.

— This is Mavis giving him a reminder.

During meetings, Mavis won't disturb Lincoln but will assist with auxiliary tasks.

All the necessary talking points, employee reports, new plans, and even meeting minutes are handled by Mavis.

"Lastly, the selection of honorary players for different games."

"As our game world is already interconnected, it will be unfair if we only select honorary players from 'Assassins' Alliance' for the public map."

" Lincoln looks at Little Chun, then at Clark who has been silently listening to the meeting beside Little Chun, and finally at Fred.

"'Light Encounter,' 'Paradise,' 'Assassins' Alliance,' 'Speed Chase,' and even 'Traveler of the Wind,' should award honorary player titles to some players, granting them access to the public map."

"At the beginning of each month, we should choose some honorary players, with a preliminary quota of 100 players per game per month. As for the specific selection process, discuss it with your team members and try to ensure fairness."

"Of course, when I say 'fair,' I do not refer solely to the player's gaming skills or their pay-to-win habits, but their loyalty to the game and their contributions to the player community."

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

The several development team leaders look at each other, puzzled, then look back at Lincoln, wanting to say they don't understand.

However, Lincoln's idea is indeed vague!

But Lincoln nonchalantly waves them off: "Anyway, go back and discuss it internally, brainstorm a bit."

— Lincoln only has a vague concept in his mind and hasn't thought about more detailed conditions.

Hence, he decides to act as a ruthless boss for once, setting demands and letting his subordinates handle the specifics.

After all, the team members who have been closely following the games are more likely to propose reliable plans than Lincoln simply thinking of something out of the blue.

"As for 'Battlefield' and 'Speed Chase 2,' we'll discuss those in the afternoon. For now, let's adjourn the meeting!"

With that being said, he doesn't consider the others' expressions and leaves immediately.

As for what he's going to do? No kidding, he has to join the first completion battle between Daxia and Izumo players!

Lincoln can't miss this excitement!


