Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.439 - 422: Speeding up the Pace!

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.439 - 422: Speeding up the Pace!

Chapter 439: Chapter 422: Speeding up the Pace!

Translator: 549690339

Yi stared in disbelief.

His understanding of this wilderness in “Paradise” was quite limited.

Only during the drive over, he faintly realized: this piece of land was not entirely based on reality.

Especially when entering the forest, he obviously noticed: the trees in this forest didn’t resemble the tropical arid plants found on African savannas but rather were more like those commonly found in Southeast Asia.

These two landscapes were unlikely to be closely adjacent, with only a ten-minute drive between them, changing from one ecological area to another.

In other words, the landscape, climate, and ecology of this wilderness were forcibly pieced together.

Yi wasn’t entirely sure whether it was mainly a tropical savanna combined with small patches of other ecological environments or whether different ecosystems were mixed in a certain proportion without a fixed main body – he had seen too little area.

So, suddenly seeing an azure sea extending to the horizon, he barely managed to accept it.


An island inhabited by Jurassic dinosaurs, appearing before his eyes after 200 million years of time travel, was truly beyond his comprehension!

Yi incredulously rubbed his eyes, worried that he might have misinterpreted what he saw. frёewebnoŃ”el.ƈoàč“

But moments later, not only did the giant dinosaur not disappear, but four more emerged from a distance!

Even an outrageous pterosaur with a wingspan exceeding 10 meters, screeching as it flew over the forest, excited Yi to no end.

Now it could be confirmed for sure!

“My God! It’s real! It’s really a dinosaur!!!”

“How do I get down? How do I get there? I want to land on the island! Right now!!”

Yi was indescribably excited, carelessly throwing himself onto the edge of the cliff to look down, hoping for a nearest tunnel to get there.

His first thought was: as long as the fall doesn’t kill him, he would jump directly!

However, the sight of the height made him abandon this idea, and he began to look around for a way down.

Meanwhile, countless players in the live broadcast room began to log out of the live stream and into the game.

The bathroom group buddies were hunting brown bears with Hu.

Unlike the tiger, which is a big cat, and could be controlled after being blinded, although some would get injured, the overall difficulty was not too high.

But this brown bear was completely different.

Even after being blinded as usual, the group retracted the Bathing Girl Lamp and rushed to control the brown bear.

However, despite losing its vision, the brown bear was not an easy match.

An adult male brown bear, nearly 2.5 meters long and weighing more than 600 pounds, could smash a head with a single slap. It was still very dangerous!

Players rushed forward, but the huge brown bear was barely affected: sitting on one player, slapping another, and biting a few more

Even if injured by the iron spear, the thick fur provided defense, and the spearhead couldn’t penetrate very far. The bear’s counterattack after being pained could instantly incapacitate the attacking player.

Remember, in reality, “spear hunting” requires a very high-quality “spear,” far better than these inferior weapons.

Other “handmade weapons” were even worse, merely tickling the brown bear, and completely wasting energy.

Eventually, the brown bear killed three people and broke through the encirclement to escape, leaving only wounded players on the ground.

If it weren’t a virtual world, it would’ve been a bloody scene of broken arms and legs.

Fortunately, it was a virtual world, and even if their arms and legs were seriously injured and unresponsive, the players calmly lay on the ground, continuing to chat:

“Not great, huh? This bear is too fierce, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, isn’t the tiger supposed to be the king of the jungle? How come I feel like this bear could completely beat the tiger?”

“Yeah, isn’t the difference in size and strength too much?”

“Don’t be silly, do you think it’s about size? We can beat the tiger, the tiger can beat the bear, so we can beat the bear? That’s not the same thing at all?!”

Thus, the group began discussing the triangular relationship between people, tigers, and brown bears.

Hu also announced in a timely manner: today’s hunt comes to an end, and everyone is free to do whatever they want.

– There were too many people, and organizing two events had given Hu a headache. He took advantage of the opportunity to disperse the group as soon as possible.

Just then, someone suddenly exclaimed, “Fuck! A dinosaur!”

This shout immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and the group friends were dumbfounded:

“Isn’t saying ‘fuck a dinosaur’ taking it a bit far?”

“I’ve always known there are many perverts in our group, but I never thought it could go this far!”

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

“Although one’s fetishes are their own, I still suggest you see a doctor.”

“People shouldn’t, at least they shouldn’t

The infuriated player who had screamed yelled, “What the hell are you guys talking about! I’m talking about dinosaurs! Yi found dinosaurs over there!”

“You guys keep talking nonsense, I’m off to find dinosaurs!”

As soon as the player finished talking, he got up and went to look for Yi without any hesitation.

— Many viewers in the live broadcast room were instructing, the route was very clear: follow the stream and walk upstream, at the source there is a hole, and after passing the hole you will arrive there.

He had barely taken a few steps when the players lying or sitting behind him also confirmed the news and almost all stood up, bidding Hu farewell loudly before leaving.

Even players with a leg in a negative state, unable to walk properly, were hopping and insisting on going to see the dinosaurs.

As soon as Hu figured out what was happening, he immediately followed suit without any hesitation: “Let’s go together!”

Dinosaurs, man! Who could pass that up!

Upon receiving Mavis’s message, Lincoln quickly ended his call with Zhou Jingzheng, and while maintaining his invisibility, appeared silently on the cliff with Mavis.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Yi sitting by the edge of the cliff, his eyes empty as he looked at Dinosaur Island.

The entrance of this hole was on a steep cliff without any path to descend.

The height of the cliff was also outrageous; jumping down would undoubtedly be fatal.

In other words, the Dinosaur Island was right in front of them, but there was no path to get there.

Lincoln looked at the not-so-distant Dinosaur Island, “So they found it. I thought they would find the escaped Tyrannosaurus rex from Dinosaur Island first.”

“That one was discovered too!” Mavis responded, “But the person who found it didn’t get a chance to take a photo before being killed by the Tyrannosaurus, so there was no evidence, and no one believed him before today.”

“In that case, we’ll have to speed up our Jurassic Park plan a bit.”

“Mmm, Mavis will do her best!” Mavis was as enthusiastic as ever.

“We’ll do our best together.” Lincoln rubbed Mavis’s pink head while thinking about the next plans.

It felt like
 slacking off was getting more and more difficult.

Next, he had to create ancient battlefield vehicles from 100 years ago and preferably learn how to drive them himself.

He had to learn horse riding, practice boxing and knife skills, join the Battlefield development team, and keep an eye on My World mod development.

Now he had to include the development of Jurassic Park as well.

Lincoln shook his head, “I need to buy a building and hire more people.”

Mavis shook Lincoln’s hand, “Mavis is on it.”

“I know, I know, Mavis is the best. Let’s put in some extra work on the island.” After that, Lincoln pulled Mavis and teleported to the island ahead of her.

The current Dinosaur Island was far from perfect. In terms of science and rigor, it couldn’t compare to the wilderness at all.

After all, Lincoln had only read some relevant literature, and then without much thought, started creating dinosaurs based on artistic works from his memory.

As for how real the dinosaur ecology he created was, even he wasn’t sure.

It was only because Lincoln didn’t have compulsive realism that everything went smoothly.

His position for this Dinosaur Island was a storyline-free Jurassic Park, a relatively pure dinosaur sightseeing park.

At least that was the plan for now.

As for the future

He indeed had the idea of letting players hunt huge beasts from fantasy, but those were giant creatures from hunting fantasies rather than real prehistoric dinosaurs.

Moreover, he couldn’t possibly make that kind of content on his own, nor could he sell it as a DLC for Paradise.

However, from the perspective of virtual world integration, Dinosaur Island could be a stepping stone to a world of fantastic creatures.

Just like the Red Gate Bridge that connects the metropolis and Night City.

Of course, it’s too early to talk about these things now.

Previously, his and Mavis’s energy had been spent on constructing the island and dinosaurs, and the park for players to tour hadn’t been fully built yet, only a rough outline existed.

If players actually landed on the island, they could only see an unfinished product — provided they not only landed on the island but also weren’t eaten by the dinosaurs there.

This was also the reason why they needed to speed up their pace now.

Fortunately, both the “escaped Tyrannosaurus from Dinosaur Island” and the cliff Yi found had no direct access to Dinosaur Island.

For the time being, the players could only treat this Dinosaur Island as a scenic spot, watching it from afar, just like the Snow Mountain in the wilderness.

There should still be ample time left for the construction of the island.

Lincoln contemplated these things while he and Mavis began constructing various buildings for the park together.

His thinking was logically sound.

But he had underestimated the appeal of dinosaurs to the players.

