Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.488 - 471: The Overall Situation Is Set

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.488 - 471: The Overall Situation Is Set

Chapter 488: Chapter 471: The Overall Situation Is Set

ā€œJust a heads-up! Whoever the hell votes for [Double the Shit Scent] again will be my eternal enemy!ā€

ā€œIf a streamer votes that way, Iā€™ll report them immediately! If a player does, Iā€™ll add them straight to the blacklist! And donā€™t let me see you in places that allow fighting! If I do, Iā€™ll beat you up every time I see you!ā€

ā€œFor real, it canā€™t get any worse! Just look at the faces of those streamers when they smell that shit! Itā€™s unbearable!ā€

ā€œIā€™m begging you guys! Can you take my kowtow as a plea?ā€

ā€œIā€™m scared of you lot, so I wonā€™t buy it yet. Iā€™ll wait for the voting results! If the smell really gets two times worse, Iā€™ll just give up and not play!ā€

The second player referendum has an extraordinary impact.

Countless players arenā€™t busy voting, but instead jump out of the page and go to find Spiritual Rhinocerosā€™s announcements, the gameā€™s forums, Cloud Dream player communities, and everywhere that allows comments, urging everyone to vote calmly.

There are violent threats, calm reasoning, and beggingā€¦

They really are trying their best to appeal to others.

Itā€™s not their fault theyā€™re panicking; in the past week, the expressions of streamers trying to track their prey by sniffing animal feces were just too horrifying.

Some casual players were even forced to change into sightseeing players, roaming around aimlessly on mini all-terrain vehicles.

Even hardcore hunters changed their style, preferring to track lost prey rather than sniffing the feces.

Some focused on shooting birds or taking accurate shots to kill their prey instantly, giving up on chasing if they couldnā€™t kill it right away.

But hereā€™s the problem:

Casual players can avoid the situation, but many streamers canā€™t.

Streamers arenā€™t just casual players, and playing games isnā€™t just about personal preference.

Often, itā€™s the traffic numbers that guide streamerā€™s actions.

So, take a guess: In the past week, what was the best way to play in the game ā€œHunter: The Call of Fecesā€ for maximum audience numbers and program effects?

Do you need to think about it?

Theyā€™ve already told you the name of the game is ā€œThe Call of Fecesā€!

And, so the problem arises:

If youā€™re willing to smell shit while hunting, the audience enjoys watching it; if youā€™re not willing, then the audience will just go watch those who are.

The Program effects are right there, making you choose whether to sniff or not!

What, you donā€™t want to sniff?

If you donā€™t want to, there are plenty of people who are eager to do it!

And with that, many who wish to sniff donā€™t even have the chance!

No joke, many small streamers who didnā€™t get a closed beta invite are envious to the point of having red eyes, let alone sniffing shit!

Lincolnā€™s large-scale closed beta isnā€™t unrestricted either.

All [Honorary Players] are invited; all [Honorary Playersā€™] invited Metropolis residents are invited; and finally, 10,000 random players are also invited.

In total, thatā€™s only 40,000 people, which is a huge scale compared to previous game closed betas, but tiny compared to Cloud Dreamā€™s player base. freeweɓnovel.cĆøm

Itā€™s normal for small streamers who werenā€™t picked to be envious of the traffic.

ā€œEnvious of sniffing shitā€ might sound disgusting and not presentable, but when you break it down, itā€™s very ordinary.

In the Internet age, people even eat shit for the sake of chasing traffic. This passive sniffing and letting the audience have a good laugh is just a joke in comparison.

At most, the joke is just a bit tasteless.

Under this peculiar situation, they watched the streamersā€™ antics for a whole week. Every time a streamer had to bend down and get close to animal feces to gather information about their prey, it was their ā€œhahahaā€ moment of sheer joy.

Did it feel good?

It did.

But now the tables are turning, and itā€™s their turn?

Thatā€™s absolutely unacceptable!

Under this overwhelming tsunami-like wave of protests, many streamers who want to stir things up and vote for [Not strong enough! Double it!] are strictly admonished by a sea of comments, even threatened with losing fans.

Only when the streamer obediently votes for [1. Delete the animal feces scent] do the audience relent.

Even Super Tomato, a well-reputed major streamer, only managed to win the audienceā€™s favor for [2. Reduce animal feces scent] after much persuasion and negotiation, and was watched to make sure he voted for [reduce by 90%].

For a time, the numbers for [Option One] and [Option Two] soar, quickly pulling away from the other options.

This is a stark contrast to the first player referendum data trend.

With this development, many players can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But itā€™s not time to completely relax yet, as a large number of players are still waiting and watching.

Because Cloud Dream Gamesā€™ refund time is 6 hours.

And the official sale of ā€œHunter: Call of the Wildernessā€ begins at 6 PM the next day.

So itā€™s predictable that there will be a surge in orders and votes after 12 noon tomorrow or even after 1 PM tomorrow!

In this case, even if the final voting result is unsatisfactory, at least they can choose to refund and cut their losses.

As for now?

Itā€™s better to keep an eye on things.

Players who are in a good mood continue to log in to Dinosaur Island or amusement parks, heading to Jurassic Park to join the fun.

And those who are more worried and have heavy hearts spend their time anxiously browsing forums and going to bed early, full of dread.

Gather strength and prepare for the battle tomorrow afternoon!

The next day, Lance looked at the rapidly declining discussion heat of ā€œThe Last Momentā€ on the Internet and sighed helplessly.

This reminded him of what Jerome said when they were discussing the cooperation yesterday: ā€œYou have already seen Yunmengā€™s attitude towards partners, so there is no need to doubt Yunmengā€™s sincerity.ā€

Lance had to admit: Yunmengā€™s treatment of partners is indeed impeccable.

If Yunmeng had released this series of big news last Friday ā€“ or even according to Jeromeā€™s disclosure, Yunmeng still has more explosive news in hand, waiting in line for a chance to release! These can all be turned into ā€œbulletsā€ for attack.

In that case, ā€œThe Last Momentā€ would definitely not achieve its current results ā€“ not only maintaining the best sales record but also clearing out 170,000 VR equipment inventory.

Itā€™s not that he has no confidence in his own game, but the levels are different.

Players and the media praise ā€œThe Last Momentā€ for being ā€œstunningā€ and ā€œperfectā€, which sounds great, but itā€™s said within the context of the VR game track.

Just like the most perfect silent film, if placed in a horizontal comparison of the entire film history and let the current generation of audiences choose.

How can a black-and-white film without sound compete with a 4K120 frame special effects blockbuster?

Not to mention Yunmengā€™s technology, in this evaluation system, it would be at least an 18K start film.

ā€œWe canā€™t compare!ā€ Lance shook his head helplessly, ā€œAnd now weā€™re going back to making 2k24 frame movies.ā€

ā€œWhen will we be able to make an 18K film ourselves?ā€

The temperament and style of a company are often influenced by its founder.

Why are Flying Foxā€™s games often obsessed with exploring the maximum potential of hardware devices?

Of course, it is because Flying Foxā€™s boss ā€“ Lance, is very enthusiastic about this.

Logically, since Lincoln brought the virtual reality device to life, Lance has been eager to personally create a virtual reality game and try to explore the limits of Mirage.

Especially since Mirage has shown almost no limits when it comes to Yunmeng, this only further fuels his desire to explore.

Xu Tong, who has followed Lance for a long time, suddenly said: ā€œBoss, if you can be ruthless, maybe we can really try to catch up with Yunmengā€™s train?ā€

ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€ Lance was still immersed in regret and didnā€™t react immediately.

ā€œThe Last Moment!ā€ Xu Tong reminded again.

A simple reminder was enough, and Lance immediately understood Xu Tongā€™s meaning: to take ā€œThe Last Momentā€ copyright that Yunmeng wanted as an exchange and participate in the game reset work.

Copyrights are good, but no matter how good they are, they can be exchanged as long as the price is high enough.

Even compared to what they want, copyright as a bargaining chip may not be enough to trade.

Xu Tongā€™s first reminder ā€“ ā€œbeing ruthlessā€ ā€“ was actually about bargaining and how much benefit should be given up to impress Yunmeng.

Yunmeng used to refuse everything, so everyone had no chance.

Now that Yunmeng has taken the initiative to find them, maybe they can really give it a try?

ā€œContact Jerome, and letā€™s talk again in the afternoon. This time, letā€™s go to Yunmeng!ā€ Lance quickly made up his mind.

When Jerome came to buy the copyright yesterday, it was completely unexpected for Flying Fox. They felt very sudden and naturally wouldnā€™t agree right away.

But now that they have the idea, letā€™s take action immediately!

Take advantage of Lincolnā€™s recent enthusiasm and seize the opportunity to talk quickly. Otherwise, who knows if Yunmeng still wants to do a reset version once Lincolnā€™s enthusiasm wears off?

So it must be fast!

As soon as noon passed, as expected, the order quantity of ā€œHunter: Call of the Wildernessā€ began to increase rapidly.

Only more than 300,000 pre-sale sales were achieved in a whole night plus a morning.

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But at 2p.m., when Yunmeng staff just started work, they saw that the total sales had increased by 400,000 copies in just two hours.

And as time went on, it continued to grow at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the total number of player votes in the player referendum was also on the rise.

During this period, even during work and class hours, there are countless posts frantically urging people to vote rationally, no less than last night:

ā€œBrothers!! Donā€™t! Make! The same! Mistake! Again!!ā€

ā€œI just want to play the game, please satisfy my insignificant wish!ā€

Itā€™s unclear whether these posts worked or if everyone learned a lesson from the previous week.

By 5 p.m., one hour before the voting deadline, the total number of votes cast by players had reached over 3.8 million.

And the first two options still dominate:

[1. Remove animal feces smell]. [42%]

[2. Reduce animal feces smell]. [32%]

[3. Replace the smell of animal feces] [12%]

[4. Keep the current smell of animal feces, no changes.] [1%]

[5. Not enough flavor! Double it!] [13%]

ā€œThe situation is settled.ā€ Yelang couldnā€™t help but sigh with regret.

