Transcendent Dawn - C.369 - 0368: Stripping (Third update request for subscription)

Transcendent Dawn

C.369 - 0368: Stripping (Third update request for subscription)

Chapter 368: Chapter 0368: Stripping (Third update request for subscription)

“Sometimes, to cover up one lie, we often need to tell more lies!” fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Su Lu said with a grin and a meaningful tone.

“So… are you suggesting that I should speak directly?” Sean widened his eyes.

“So… the most brilliant lie is to only tell the truth, tell 99% of the truth!” Su Lu pivoted.

“Oh, I see.” Sean immediately understood and nodded, “Indeed… this is your style.”


Su Lu laughed heartily, then asked, “How have you been these past few years?”

“Sigh… Joining The Eleventh Bureau, working all around, our tasks increased by more than ten times as soon as the existence of transcendent powers was made public. Fortunately, there has been a substantial increase in new members, even I have become a veteran…”

Sean complained helplessly, “Working overtime every day, no holidays, no raise… okay, there was a slight increase, but it’s still a long way from my retirement dream.”

“How old are you and you’re already thinking of retiring?”

Su Lu rolled his eyes, “But, you have already become a [Necromancer]?”

This progress surprised him. It was entirely comparable to the talent of a major force.

“Yes, I seem to have a talent in the [Doomsayer], it didn’t take me long to meet the requirements for promotion…” This also led to his ‘infamy’ in The Eleventh Bureau, but of course, Sean didn’t say that. “In fact, I’ve fully mastered necromancy, it’s a pity that there’s no fourth-level clue to this path within the Bureau…”

“Cough cough…”

Just then, Su Lu coughed a few times, his face flushed.

“Are you okay?” Sean hurriedly asked.

“I’m okay, it’s just some residual curse, perhaps some misfortune…” Su Lu shook his head.

Polon was after all a fifth level professional, and his curse was borne by himself, and he was slightly affected.

But the essence of the fifth level is swiftly eradicating these.

“As for the fourth level of this path, I am very familiar with it… It’s called [Ghost Doctor], it requires you to have connection with at least the first layer of the Spirit World and understand many characteristics of the dead, to prepare to enslave them…”

“And its fifth level is [Necromancer King] Polon you just saw. As for the sixth level, it’s the [Emperor of Disaster]. I only know the names of these two professions, I don’t know the specifics, but you can follow this clue in the future…”

Su Lu talked about his gain from the world of Dragon.

“[Emperor of Disaster], Emperor? I like this title…” Sean stroked his chin, his thin face showing some sleazy color, it was not clear what he was thinking.

“By the way, regarding the misfortune on your body… what exactly is going on?” Su Lu asked another question.

“I don’t know…” Sean spread his hands, his face full of helplessness. “It seems to be an innate talent that gradually awakened after my graduation…”

In fact, aside from the Goddess Church of Nia City, which dealt with things perfunctorily because its upper echelons were corrupted, Sean had also sought many real bishops of light.

Unfortunately, there is still no solution for this innate misfortune.

“Speaking of which… I have to thank you for sparing me when we were roommates?” Su Lu asked with a strange expression.

After teaching Sean the job information of [Ghost Doctor], he proposed to leave.

Both of them had a lot of things to do.

He had to clean up the mess of Beryl next door, while Sean had to go back and report. The Eleventh Bureau might take the opportunity to launch an operation to sweep the hidden Black Dead Followers in the Emerald Forest.

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Without saying goodbye, should they stay and have a reunion?

Su Lu grabbed Beryl, and his figure disappeared again.

“Hey…” Sean reached out his hand, was somewhat helpless, muttered under his breath, “I originally wanted to hitch a ride, as I expected, hearing a date with a beauty you forget about your brothers…”

“Where is this…?”

After traversing through the Spirit World once again, Beryl found herself in a large secret chamber.

There were tracks of ritual array devices on the ground, emitting the aroma of various herbs and spices.

“Green Tree Castle!”

Su Lu was standing in front of her, staring at this doll-like girl.

One must say, having gone through the Transcendent baptism several times, this girl has become even prettier.

‘Does a female professional’s promotion come with a charm boost?’

Su Lu muttered to himself.

After staring for a while, he spoke with a complex expression, “I’m sorry about what happened earlier…”

The real Beryl should have died – both in physiological and mystical senses.

This remaining ‘Beryl’ is a consciousness born from a corpse. Despite possessing the full memory of Beryl, she differs from the original.

At that time, being a mere mortal, I was completely unable to fight against the [Shadow Binder].

“Are you apologizing for this body’s previous death? No… I should actually thank you… Death is the ultimate destination,” Beryl sweetly replied.

She was doing this on purpose.

Transcendents are prone to losing control, especially the high-level ones. Although her comments must not have affected Su Lu, they might linger as a twinge at the back of his mind, potentially manifesting during an ascension!

“No… not with you.”

Su Lu shook his head. How could he be swayed by such things, given his mental forte?

“Alright… next, I will do my best to purge this personality of yours!”

Any other legendary professional might not be able to achieve this, but Su Lu is an exception. As Beryl’s initial ‘Master’, coupled with rituals learned from the Holy Book of Death, no one understands the legend of the Black Death Society better than him in this world, except for the society’s chief.

If he can’t purge it, then ‘destruction’ is the only option.

Regardless, he certainly has to eliminate this potential threat before Beryl grows into an indescribable ‘horror’.


Beryl exhibited a horrified expression in her eyes, about to pray to Lady Moon.

“In the name of your Master, I command you, do not speak, do not pray!”

Su Lu casually remarked, a pentagram array emerged on Beryl’s forehead.

“Now, stand in the middle of the ritual and cooperate with my actions!”

Continued he, watching Beryl obediently lie down in the middle of the ritual.

Seeing this, Su Lu lit several candles and burned incense.

To wash away a personality is simple, but it’s extremely difficult to peel off Lady Moon’s influence.

If he were not a master of the Spirit World and spiritual bodies, and proficient in the Holy Book of Death, he would only have the option to destroy Beryl.


A gust of wind suddenly swept across the sealed room.

“In my name… Su Lu Pottery!”

Su Lu’s Inspiration was unleashed, a spiritual chant ensued, “I command you… Soul Trance!”

Beryl’s eyes rolled up in an instant, a bewildered spirit body emerged.

Various colours swirled around it.

Among them, a shimmer of moonlight, was Su Lu’s target!

